Current statuses of Covid Canada government support eligibility periods:

#CERB – Max claim extended from 16 to 24 weeks. Final period (7) ends September 26, 2020.
#CEWS – Proposed extension from 12 to 24 weeks. Proposed final period (6) ends August 29, 2020. (extension can be done by regulation rather than Act of Parliament)
#TWS (10% Temporary wage subsidy) – 3 months which ended on June 19, 2020. It was not extended.
#CECRA – Extended from 3 months to 4. Final period ends July 31, 2020.
#CEBA – Application deadline with financial institutions is August 31, 2020.
#CESB – 16 weeks with the final period (4) ending August 29, 2020. 

Thanks to Video Tax News Hugh Neilson FCPA FCA TEP Caitlin Butler CPA, CA

Jane Zhao