Find the right accountant …….
So you can have the peace of mind to
explore life outside……
whO ARE YOu?
-Are you a small business owner? Incorporated or self employed as a subcontractor?
-Are you a professional who has a professional corporation or are considering if you should incorporate? Doctor, Surgeon, Dentist, Engineer, Realtor, IT professional or Consultant?
-Do you want someone who cares about building personal connections to work with you?
-Do you want someone to help you with tax planning to save on tax, GST?
why choose us?
Passion: I know it is hard to believe but I actually love tax… Although tax is tax it is my goal to make this process as easy and as painless as possible…
You may even enjoy it at the end if you are a positive person like me…
Quality: Our clients love us! Read our testimony!
Reliability: You can always find me! I reply emails within a few hours. Never let anything sit and wait even when I am travelling
Consistency: There is only me you need to contact! I am always the one working with you on your year end financial statements and tax filing
Personally: I laugh a lot and enjoy meeting clients. My life philosophy is if you like what you do then it is not work anymore…
Trust and rely on us!
Corporate tax filing and planning specializing in helping small business owners, professionals (Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, Realtors, IT professionals)
Self-employed and subcontractors business tax filing and planning
Personal tax filing and planning including new immigrants coming to Canada, foreign income and verification reporting T1135
Financial statement preparation
Accounting and business consulting
Payroll services including issuing slips for salary T4 and dividend T5
Bookkeeping services
GST application and filing
Non- Resident clearance certificate on disposition of property T2062 T2062A
Non- Resident rental income tax filing, withholding tax and filing NR4 NR6

Meet your accountant Jane, CPA CA!
We are normal happy people like you!
Jane Zhao, CPA, CA, founder of Zhao & Associate, has 15 plus years of experience in public accounting/tax. She articled with the global accounting firm EY Canada and developed her career in tax compliance and tax planning further with the national accounting firm Collins Barrow until she founded her own firm.

Who are we?
In a world of working from anywhere remotely we are all set up for a contactless process if needed and if it is the client’s preference! However it is my goal to meet with my local clients at least once a year if not more, it is my goal to call clients to just find out how are they doing, what is new in their life and in their business. I am in this professional to build human connection not just networking, build trust not just revenue, build loyalty not just business that comes and goes.
I am selective with whom I choose to be my clients as I rather provide premium service to a good few than to provide average service to many. Trained from large firms I know how hard it is for small business owners after paying a high fee feeling neglected, overlooked and not important. Providing high qualify professional services to small business owners who otherwise would not have access to is why I am here.
Now let us meet and chat
…….We value personal connections…